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At Kennis, our expert financial professionals provide support and guidance in assessing the growth and profitability aspects of the target company. We have been serving an extensive range of clients from private equity-backed businesses to public companies, entrepreneurs, and others. Some of the acquisition advisory and support services we provide include:
Why Acquisition Advisory & Support?
An acquisition advisor, equipped with all the right tools and expertise that help in acquiring a business which suits best to the Acquirer’s interest and expectations.
Role of Acquisition Advisory Team
An Acquisition is a significant way for a company to expand and grow and is increasingly becoming very common with both small and large businesses.
Service an Acquisition Advisory Firm provides to an Investor
It is often difficult for businesses to understand which companies will provide more value and opportunities after acquisition. We will not only identify the ideal company for merger but also identify significant pitfalls and opportunities associated with it.
An acquisition advisor negotiates a multitude of issues such as legal, tax, commercial, employment, and intellectual property. Weakly negotiated deal can expose the parties to significant risks which makes it essential to always work with reliable advisory firms.
As an acquisition advisor, we will analyse the present business, future opportunities, and assets and liabilities of a company to ensure that you have all the documents and clarity in place before acquiring a business.
Acquiring a business is a huge investment and it comes with certain benefits and risks. An acquisition can open doors to opportunities like improved market share growth, exposure to international or new markets, access to advanced technology, and others. However, drawbacks like company culture collision, competing objectives, etc, may also arise. Kennis will ensure that our clients make better judgements and enable them to avoid pitfalls.
We conduct a thorough SWOT analysis of the acquiring company to evaluate its growth potential, profitability opportunities, and working structure to help you make an informed decision.
At Kennis, we have an extensive network of contacts and commercial relationships to help you to find an ideal business for investment.
Why Kennis?
Kennis is an accomplished advisory firm that serves and assists clients through all forms of acquisitions. It serves a broad range of clients that include entrepreneurs, private equity-backed businesses, and public companies amongst others. We provide custom-made solutions and services for every unique client whether it’s a friendly acquisition or a forced one.